Testing Enquiry Form
Every application designed for portable devices must go through mobile application testing. Dwelling into deep understanding about testing, in short - testing is processed to check a particular degree of quality before releasing a web or mobile application into the marketplace (app store/play store).
Types of mobile application testing include functional, compatibility, usability, performance, and security testing. Sadup Softech has been providing full-range mobile app testing services since 2018. Our expertise with mobile particulars and standards assures your app's high quality and user uptake.
Sadup Softech mobile testing approach involves the following factors, resulting in innovative solutions. You will have complete control over the testing process and a unique view of our actions in each project iteration. We can follow every reporting strategy which you would like.
Our mobile testing team will evaluate your project specifications and look for flaws. Initial project requirement analysis helps to avoid the inaccurate outcome.
The number of mobile device models is increasing rapidly, making it hard to test the app on all of them. We choose target devices based on your criteria, data for the target region, and user audience.
The mobile testing in-house team is in charge of creating test cases.
Our mobile testing in-house team conducts testing and reports the defects to the project manager.
Throughout the lifecycle of an application, the mobile testing team covers testing findings by extracting insights from the test results.
We collaborate with professional experts by integrating them into the project team and accelerating the project workflow to make informed decisions.
We are very versatile and respond quickly to changes in your specifications, working accurately and efficiently to ensure on-time deliveries.
To solve the fragmentation problem, we test apps on devices from our in-house testing devices. We optimize your software work on any mobile platform, operating system. Moreover, we even ensure it runs smoothly on many different devices.
Our mobile testing professional experts have extensive experience in numerous industrial domains and will quickly uncover industry-specific problems, bottlenecks, and security risks in your app.
Sadup Softech mobile testing team guarantees that your app has a user-friendly interface and is simple to use for your target audience.
Our mobile testing team assures that your app's backend functionality runs smoothly and satisfies all functional requirements.
Sadup Softech performance test engineers will confirm that your mobile app has no stress, load, scalability, or reliability flaws. Our testing team also undertakes backend performance testing by considering large applications with several users (banking apps, mobile e-stores, multiplayer games & messaging games).
Our testing professionals can verify that your mobile app delivers an excellent user experience and runs properly on all target devices, operating systems, and mobile browsers.
Sadup Softech professional team can evaluate your apps for compliance with official iOS and Android guidelines, as well as industry-specific restrictions.
Sadup Softech cybersecurity engineers undertake penetration testing that simulates a real-world vulnerable threat, security flaws in your app and makes recommendations for mitigating them. Our professional mobile testing team can also assure the security of a complicated mobile application's server-side (backend security testing).
Sadup Softech professional team can evaluate your apps for compliance with official iOS and Android guidelines, as well as industry-specific restrictions.
Sadup Softech mobile testing team extensively examines your app against necessary industry standards, as well as any unique requirements from clients. We guarantee post-testing analysis & pots optimization, can easily access and utilize the application.